Thursday, 9 October 2014

Becoming a Company

Hi everyone!

So, it's official, CeltCraft Games is now a company!

The process was actually quite easy (if time consuming). The first thing was to buy the dot-com. So I went over to and registered for about €20 for two years. With the dot-com I got a free one-page website and free dedicated email address: The free website editor is terrible, but if I subscribe for €5 per month I get two databases, access to PHP MyAdmin and a free '.ie' URL. This is something I may consider down the line, but for now I am quite content with having a very basic website sitting there, just saying; 'Hey! Look at at me...I exist!'

Once I had the website, I then (on advice from Charlene) proceeded to look into registering the company. The companies registration office is where you go: ( The website is terrible and it took me a while to actually find out what to do, but once I found it, I could enter all the details online, and process the payment. Then. to finalize it, I printed out a from, signed it, and sent to the office to be validated. The registration cost another €20 in total; which is quite cheap in my opinion.

I then set up a Facebook page (, and a Google+ business page, both of which were quite time consuming.

The last step to completely cement the companies name and image is to come up with a logo and patent it. This process, as you may imagine, is a little slower. The logo is a very important piece of the puzzle; it needs to be simple, yet distinctive, memorable, and unique. I'm not even sure if the need to patent it is necessary, as I already have the company registered.

Has anyone had experience in this? I know patenting something is very expensive, and I'm just not sure about the need. Any feedback is welcome!


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